Mobile Reporter Official Website
Version 1.1 released
There is a new server version available and an update from
1.0 to 1.1.
There is a new option that can be user to tell the server not to modify
news in the overview.
This means all the text, formatting and images will be also visible on the main
and category pages.
Version 1.0 released
Today version 1.0 of Mobile Reporter is released.
What is Mobile Reporter?
Reporter is a mobile blogging system containing a server application
written in PHP 4.0 with a MySQL database and a mobile client as a J2ME
MIDlet. Once the server is installed users can send in their news Items
via different submission ways. Beside the classical submission ways
over a web interface or via email, the Mobile Reporter system supports
to publish Items via MMS or via HTTP post as implemented in the MIDlet.
In this way the users can publish their news from nearly everywhere
with their mobile phones.
The whole system was implemented as
modifiable as possible and therefore new languages or templates can
easily be added or the administrator of the server can configure all
the settings at will.